the paradoxical podcast

Paradoxical (par-a-dox-i-cal) adj. seemingly absurd or self-contradictory; goes against common sense or expectations; containing two opposing ideas in a way that seems impossible or difficult to understand, but may contain a hidden truth

Ex: The more I learn about the world, the more I realize just how little I know anything.

I’ve spent so much of my life focusing on labels, trying to define myself. But labels don’t work on me. They stick and get peeled off just as quickly. I’m someone who loves words—I’m an author now, for God’s sake—and yet my throat closes off when I’m asked to describe myself to someone new.

So welcome to Paradoxical. This is a safe space for those who’ve been told they’re too much. Expect soul-deep spirituality one episode, how to pack for a backpacking trip the next…magical synchronicity stories, neurodivergent life, grief, growth. If you’re done with labels, you’ll find your people here.